Table of Contents
- Overview
- Prerequisites
- Button Generator
- Look and Feel
- URL Allowlist
- Customer Experience
- History
- Designing your own code to embed
- Video
- Frequently Asked Questions
Empower your merchants with Collect Checkout, a hosted shopping cart designed to make online payments simple, secure, and seamless. Merchants can quickly configure their checkout pages by adding products via the Product Manager and generating payment links. The hosted payment page provides a convenient and secure way for merchants to accept payments, as the payment gateway takes care of ensuring compliance with security regulations, such as PCI DSS. It is ideal for merchants looking for a quick setup and/or do not have the experience or personnel needed to develop their own website integration. Collect checkout also offers some more advanced options for people who are looking to code their integration. Designed with modern web standards, Collect Checkout delivers a smooth and user-friendly payment experience, minimizing friction for customers.
The user will need the 'Access Collect Checkout' permission to be able to access the Collect Checkout option.
Navigating to Collect Checkout
In the Merchant Portal, on the left side panel, click on Collect Checkout; or from the homepage under Utilities → click on Collect Checkout.
Button Generator
The Button Generator is a hosted checkout page that lets the merchant's customers pay for products without them needing to write a single line of code. Just add one or more products to the cart, configure the options however they would like, and a link will be generated that they can use to put on their website, in an email, or on social media. To begin :
- Click on the Button Generator under the Configuration section.
- Choose the type of link you want to create:
- Sale - easily create a sale for a product or selection of products with support for payment methods like Credit Card, Check, Apple Pay, and Google Pay.
- Donation - similar to a sale except the default product being sold is a "Donation" of which the user can specify an amount. This cart does not support having products other than a single donation.
- Add to Vault - allows merchants to easily save customer information to the Customer Vault without charging that customer for any product or service in the moment. (Customer Vault must be enabled for this option)
- Go to the 'How-to' for the button you want to create to follow a step-by-step tutorial:
A payment link is created and can be used to let customers purchase the items in the cart. This link can be used almost anywhere, including a website, social media posts, emails, and more. If someone can click a link, they can pay with this link.
Alternatively, the merchant can download a QR code that will redirect customers to the checkout page. This could be useful if they plan on having customers access this page from something like a receipt or flyer.
They will also have a button code which can be pasted on their website to let customers purchase the items in the cart. The button has some default styling to make it look good on most sites, but the merchant can use CSS to style it. It will look like this by default:
Note - The affiliate can enable the 'Allow Custom Sale Amount/Donation in Collect Checkout' for the merchant by going to the Advanced Merchant Features section.
How-to Create a Sale Button
To create a Sale button the merchant can choose between selecting a product(A), or letting the customer select the amount(B).
A. If the merchant chooses to add a product, they must first ensure they have products available on their gateway. If they haven't created any products, they will need to click on the 'Click here to create your products first' link and it will re-direct them to the Product Manager. Once the products are created they can begin these steps:
- Click on the 'Select a Product' dropdown → choose a product and quantity.
- Click on the 'Add Product' button and it will appear on the right side. (You may add more than one if needed)
- Select the type of Payment Methods allowed if there is more than one option.
- Select any additional Options → click on the 'Create Checkout Button' to complete.
B. If the merchant decides to let the customer select an amount, the customer will choose how much they will be paying. This could be useful for taking donations or selling things with a "name your price" option. When clicking this link, the customer will be asked how much they are paying before entering their payment details.
- Provide a Description for the button, e.g., "Invoice Amount", "Donation Amount", or "Custom Payment".
- Select a Currency and click the Add button.
- Select the type of Payment Methods allowed if there is more than one option.
- Select any additional Options and click 'Create Checkout Button' to complete.
How-to Create a Donation Button
- Provide a Description for the button, e.g., "Donation Amount".
- You have the option to check the "Give customer option to set a recurring donation" box. Checking this option will give the customer the option to set up a custom subscription where they may select the amount, frequency, and number of payments they’d like to make. If they choose to set up recurring, they will be charged once at checkout, and then again based on how often they want to be billed. You may skip if you do not want the customer to have this option.
- Select a Currency → click the Add button.
- Select the type of Payment Methods allowed if there is more than one option.
- Select any additional Options → click on the 'Create Checkout Button' to complete.
How-to Create an 'Add to Vault' Button
Add to Vault buttons can be useful for situations where the merchant wants to collect the customers' payment data for later, but do not want to charge them immediately. Maybe they are pre-ordering a product for later or they plan on charging their Customer Vault ID on a recurring basis, but don't want to charge them up front for anything. The customer will be stored in the Customer Vault with all the payment, billing, and shipping information they fill out on the Collect Checkout page.
- Select the type of Payment Methods allowed if there is more than one option.
- Select any additional Options → click on the 'Create Vault Button' to complete.
Options, Advanced Features and Required Fields
Here are additional options that the merchant can select using the checkboxes.
- Prompt user for shipping information - The customer must provide their shipping information to successfully complete the checkout process.
Email customer for a receipt - The customer will receive a copy of their receipt when the transaction is successfully processed.
- Email Receipt Example:
Advanced Features and Required Fields
The merchant can choose to make certain fields required, optional or not collected by just clicking on the box to highlight it in blue. The merchant can also add an optional Success and Cancel URL.
If the merchant has a specific checkout key they want to use for the button, they can click on the dropdown option under the Checkout Key header. Security keys allow you to authenticate your account in numerous products and features in the gateway.
Look and Feel
The merchant can use the following tools to customize the look and feel of their checkout page.
Color Scheme
On this page the merchant can customize the color scheme and header text that they want to appear. They can click on each box to access the color picker or enter a HEX code manually. They will see a live preview on the right side as they change the color options. They can undo the changes at any point by using the Undo Changes button. Make sure they save the changes by using the click on Save All Changes button.
Custom Text
The custom text will currently appear on the checkout page as a header. Just type your custom text in the box. The merchant can undo the changes at any point by using the Undo Changes button. Make sure they save the changes by using the click on Save All Changes button.
URL Allowlist
Only allow success and cancel URLs to go to domains the merchant's control. All Collect Checkout links need to have URLs to redirect the customer to after they have completed a payment or if they would like to cancel a payment. Each URL is required in every Collect checkout link created. The Button Generator will automatically allow URLs entered when creating buttons, but the merchant will need to add these URLs here first if you are building a custom integration. To add a URL:
- Click on the +Add URL link.
2. Type in the Allowed URL.
3. Click on the Add URL button.
Note: The Actions options can be used to edit or delete
a URL.
Merchant can manage their previously-created buttons and links.
All buttons created with Collect Checkout will appear in the history and will include the date it was created. You can click on any button in the list to access the button link, HTML code, and QR code. If the merchant ever wants to deactivate a payment link or QR code, they can delete it by using the delete option under Actions.
Customer Experience
After opening the link, the customer can fill out the fields and complete the payment by clicking the 'Pay' button and receive their receipt after the successful payment. If the customer is only storing the card information to the customer vault then the button will say 'Save Payment Info'.
Customer Receipt
Designing your own code to embed
Collect checkout also has the option available for developers to make their own collect checkout buttons. There are documentation and reference materials on the integration docs that should provide a good starting point for them: NMI Payment Gateway Integration Portal
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a way to test a merchant's collect checkout link? Yes, the merchant can put their live account in Test Mode.
Why doesn't the Donation button appear as an option in Collect Checkout? The affiliate can enable the 'Allow Custom Sale Amount/Donation in Collect Checkout' for the merchant by going to the Advanced Merchant Features section.
Is there an option to disable CAPTCHA Verification in Collect Checkout ? No, there is no way for a merchant to disable CAPTCHA Verification on the Collect Checkout link. Removing it leaves a website highly vulnerable to automated spam and malicious activity from bots.
Do Collect Checkout links expire? There is no expiry to Collect Checkout. It will exist unless a product is deleted for a Sale button or until the link itself is deleted.
Does Kount work with Collect Checkout? Yes, Merchants using Collect Checkout can enable Kount and the Data Collector will start functioning in Collect Checkout with no additional development or settings.