Table of Contents
The table in this article lists the various errors returned by the Payment Device SDK (formerly ChipDNA Mobile), and the reason for the error.
Payment Device Error Codes
Error Code | Explanation |
AcceptedButtonPressed | Accept button pressed. |
ActionCancelled | Action aborted with cancel key. |
ActionNotPermitted | Action not permitted. |
BluetoothNotEnabled | Bluetooth is not enabled on this mobile device. |
BluetoothNotSupported | Bluetooth is not supported on this mobile device. |
ConnectionFailed | Connection failed. |
ContactlessCardInserted | Contactless card inserted. |
ContactlessCardSwipped | Contactless card swiped. |
ContactlessTryAgain | Contactless try again. |
ContactlessTryAnotherCard | Contactless try another card. |
ContactlessTryAnotherInterface | Contactless try another interface. |
DataMissing | There is data missing. |
DeviceBusy | Bluepad50 is busy. |
DeviceNotPaired | The selected Bluetooth device is not paired. |
DevicePrinterNotSupported | The PIN pad does not support printing of receipts. |
DisplayTextFormatInvalid | The text to display contains invalid characters. |
DisplayTextMissing | The text to display cannot be null. |
DisplayTextTooLong | The text to display is too long to fit on the screen. |
DisplayTimeInvalid | The display time is invalid. |
DuplicatedKey | Duplicate key. |
FlashError | Internal flash error. |
GeneralKeyboardError | General keyboard error. |
HALHardwareError | HAL hardware error. |
HardwareError | Hardware error. |
IDTechPinPadSearchUnavailable | Unable to search for IDTECH PinPads in any state other than idle while connected to an IDTECH PinPad via USB, it must be disconnected before searching. |
InvalidCommandOrMode | The Bluepad PIN pad is currently in a mode which doesn't accept that command. |
InvalidDevice | Invalid device. |
InvalidHeader | Invalid header. |
InvalidParameter | Invalid parameter sent to Bluepad50 PIN pad. |
InvalidReminderData | Invalid reminder data not provided during ICC process. |
InvalidValue | Invalid value sent to Bluepad50 PIN pad. |
KeyboardBugDetected | Defect in keyboard detected. |
KeyboardNotCalibrated | Keyboard not calibrated. |
PINPadOutOfMemory | PIN pad out of memory. |
PinPadEncryptionError | Encryption error. |
PinPadIncorrectP2PEStatus | Incorrect P2PE status. |
PinPadResponseInvalid | The response received from the PINPad is invalid. |
PrinterError | There has been a printer error. |
PrinterOverheat | The device printer has overheated. |
PrinterPaperEmpty | The device printer is out of paper. |
SCRHardwareError | SCR hardware error. |
TamperedModeActive | Tamper protection has been triggered on the Bluepad50 and the device cannot be used. |
TimeOut | Action timed out. |
TMKNotLoaded | Terminal Master Key not loaded. |
UnauthorisedCommandOrMode | The command is not authorized in this mode. |
UnableToStartGetCardDetails | Get card details could not be initialized. |
UnsupportedCommand | The PIN pad doesn't support this command. |
UnsupportedFirmwareVersion | Action not supported on this firmware version. |
Configuration Error Codes
Error Code | Explanation |
AmountInvalid | Amount is invalid. |
AmountMissing | Amount is missing. |
AmountTooLarge | Amount is too large. |
AmountTooSmall | Amount is too small. |
ApplicationIdInvalid | Application ID is invalid. |
ApplicationIdMissing | Application ID is missing. |
ApplicationUpdateRequired | The current version of the Payment Device SDK is invalid and an update is required. |
CheckNotComplete | The PIN pad configuration check was not completed successfully. |
ConfigFileGenerationFailed | The attempt to generate the required configuration has failed. |
ConfigurationCurrencyNotSet | Configuration currency is not set. |
CurrencyNotFound | Currency not found in configuration data. |
CurrencyNotSet | Currency is not set. |
CurrencyNotSupportedForPaymentMethod | Currency is not supported for payment method. |
CustomTippingPromptWithoutAmountConfirmationNotAllowed | Custom tipping prompt without amount confirmation is not allowed. |
DeviceDeregistered | The device is deregistered. |
DeviceNotPresentOnWhitelist | The device is not present on the whitelist. |
DeviceRebooting | The device is rebooting and connection must be made again. |
DisplayTextNotSupported | Display text is not supported. |
DynamicTippingPromptNotSupported | Dynamic tipping prompt is not supported. |
DynamicTippingNotSupported | Dynamic tipping is not supported. |
DynamicTippingValueInvalid | Dynamic tipping value is invalid. |
EndOfDayTippingNotSupported | End of day tipping is not supported. |
FileDecodeError | The file could not be decoded. |
FileSizeTooLarge | The file size is too large. |
FirmwareFileDataMissing | The firmware file is missing data required for the firmware update. |
FirmwareFileIncompatible | Firmware file version on TMS is incompatible with the device. |
FirmwareFileParsingFailed | Failed to parse firmware file. |
FirmwareUpdateSessionKeyInvalid | The session key for the firmware update is invalid. |
ForcedAcceptanceObserverRequired | Forced acceptance observer required. |
GatewayProcessError | There has been a process error with the gateway. |
GratuityNotSupported | Gratuity is not supported. |
IncompatibleDeviceConfiguration | The device configuration is invalid. |
IncompatibleOSWithAppMode | The PIN pad OS is not compatible with the application mode. |
IncorrectPassword | The password provided was incorrect. |
InvalidAddress | Invalid address. |
InvalidAuthCode | Invalid authorization code. |
InvalidField | Field within the request is invalid. |
InvalidHTTPMethod | Invalid HTTP method. |
InvalidHomeNetworkIdentity | Invalid home network identity. |
InvalidIssuerResponse | Invalid issuer response. |
InvalidKeyAttribute | Invalid key attribute. |
InvalidKeyData | Invalid key data supplied. |
InvalidKeyFormat | Invalid security key format. |
InvalidKeyID | Invalid key ID. |
InvalidLength | Invalid length. |
InvalidLoginPlatform | The invalid login platform is used. |
InvalidOperatorPin | Invalid operator pin. |
InvalidPaymentMethod | Invalid payment method. |
InvalidPhoneNumber | Invalid phone number. |
InvalidPinPadIpAddress | Invalid Pin Pad IP address. |
InvalidPinPadPort | Invalid Pin Pad port. |
InvalidTimeZoneOffset | The time zone offset is invalid. |
InvalidTransactionType | Invalid transaction type. |
KeysNotLoaded | The PIN pad encryption keys are not loaded (when the remote key injection is not supported). |
LinkedRefundNotSupported | Linked refunds are not supported by this terminal. |
MerchantDefinedField[nn]Invalid | Merchant defined field [nn] is invalid. |
ParameterMissing | Required parameter is missing. |
ParameterValueInvalid | Parameter value is invalid. |
PinPadEncryptionError | Encryption error. |
PinPadNameMismatch | The Pin Pad name does not match device. |
PinPadNotConfigured | The PIN pad is not configured. |
PinPadNotConnected | The PIN pad is not connected. |
P2PEFailedToGetHSMFiles | The P2PE key injection process failed to get HSM files. |
P2PEFailedToInstallDUKPTInitialKSN | The P2PE key injection process failed to install DUKPT initial KSN. |
P2PEFailedToInstallDUKPTKey | The P2PE key injection process failed to install DUKPT key. |
P2PEFailedToReadRKIFiles | The P2PE key injection process failed to read RKI files. |
P2PEFailedToValidateHSMcrt | The P2PE key injection process failed to validate HSM certificate. |
P2PEFailedToValidateTransportKey | The P2PE key injection process failed to validate transport key. |
P2PEImport | The P2PE key injection process failed to import. |
P2PEImportFailedToLoadRSAKey | The P2PE key injection process failed to import because of failed RSA key loading. |
P2PEImportHSMFileMissing | The P2PE key injection process failed to import because of missing HSM file. |
P2PEInitialise | The P2PE key injection process failed to initialize. |
P2PEInitialiseFailedToCreateRSACertificate | The P2PE key injection process failed to initialize with creating RSA certificate. |
P2PEInitialiseFailedToGenerateRSAKey | The P2PE key injection process failed to initialize with failing to generate RSA key. |
P2PEInitialiseFailedToLoadRSAKey | The P2PE key injection process failed to initialize with loading RSA key. |
P2PEInitialiseFailedToPrepareOutputFiles | The P2PE key injection process failed to initialize with preparing output files. |
P2PEInitialiseInternalError | The P2PE key injection process failed to initialize with internal error. |
P2PEInitialiseSystemFileOrCertificateMissing | The P2PE key injection process failed to initialize with system file or certificate missing. |
P2PEStatus | The P2PE key injection process failed to process status response. |
P2PEStatusInternalError | The P2PE key injection process failed to process status with internal error. |
P2PEStatusKeySigningKey | The P2PE key injection process failed to process key signing key. |
P2PEStatusProductCertificate | The P2PE key injection process failed to process product certificate. |
P2PEStatusRootCertificate | The P2PE key injection process failed to process root certificate. |
P2PEStatusTerminalCertificate | The P2PE key injection process failed to process terminal certificate. |
PreValidCard | Pre-valid card. |
RegistrationFailedToRetrieveTerminalId | Registration failed to retrieve a terminal ID. |
RegistrationFailedToRetrieveTransactionKey | Registration failed to retrieve a transaction key. |
RegistrationRequired | Registration required. |
ServerError | There has been an error with the server. |
SpecifiedUrlMalformed | Specified URL is malformed. |
StandaloneRefundNotSupported | Standalone refunds are not supported by this terminal. |
TMSUpdateRequired | An update from the TMS is required. |
TerminalDisabled | The terminal is disabled. |
TerminalIDInvalid | Terminal ID is invalid. |
TerminalIDMissing | Terminal ID is missing. |
TerminalIDUnknown | Terminal ID is unknown. |
TransactionFinishedObserverRequired | Transaction finished observer required. |
TransactionKeyInvalid | Transaction key is invalid. |
TransactionKeyMissing | Transaction key is missing. |
UnexpectedField | There was an unexpected field within the request. |
SDK Error Codes
Error Code | Explanation |
AccessDenied | Access to the gateway has been denied. |
AmbiguousIdentifier | An attempt to set more than one identifier has been made. |
ApplicationIdentifierInvalid | There is a format error with the application identifier parameter value. |
ApiKey | There is a format error with the API key. |
ApiKeyInvalid | API key is invalid. |
ApiKeyMissing | API key is missing. |
AutoConfirmNotSupported | Auto confirm is not supported. |
BLEScanTimeValueInvalid | BLE scan time value is invalid. |
CardEaseTerminalId | There is a format error with the CardEase Terminal ID. |
CardEaseTerminalIdInvalid | The CardEase Terminal ID is invalid. |
CardEaseTerminalIdMissing | The CardEase Terminal ID is missing. |
CardHolderActionTimedOut | Cardholder action timed out. |
CardReferenceInvalid | Card reference is invalid. |
ConfigurationError | Configuration error. |
ConnectionFailed | Connection failed. |
DataNotAvailable | Data not available. |
DataTypeError | An incorrect data type has been used. |
DeferredAuthNotSupported | Deferred authorization not supported. |
DeviceConfiguration | The configuration on the device is incorrect. |
DeviceNotPresentOnWhitelist | The device is not present on the whitelist. |
DisplayTextNotSupported | Display text is not supported. |
DynamicTippingAmountsAndPercentagesNotSupported | Dynamic tipping amounts and percentages are not supported. |
DynamicTippingHeaderInvalid | Dynamic tipping header is invalid. |
DynamicTippingNotSupported | Dynamic tipping is not supported. |
DynamicTippingValueInvalid | Dynamic tipping value is invalid. |
EncryptedHeaderError | Error in encrypted header. |
EndOfDayTippingNotSupported | End of day tipping is not supported. |
FileDataNotFound | The file data is missing. |
FileDecodeError | The file could not be decoded. |
FileSizeTooLarge | The file size is too large. |
FirmwareFileDataMissing | The firmware file is missing data required for the firmware update. |
FirmwareFileIncompatible | Firmware file version on TMS is incompatible with the device. |
FirmwareFileParsingFailed | Failed to parse firmware file. |
FirmwareUpdateSessionKeyInvalid | The session key for the firmware update is invalid. |
ForcedAcceptanceNotSuported | Forced acceptance not supported. |
GeneralError | General error has occurred. |
GratuityNotSupported | Gratuity is not supported. |
InitializationRequired | The Payment Device SDK has not been initialized. |
InvalidApplicationError | Invalid application error. |
InvalidCommandOrMode | The Bluepad PIN pad is currently in a mode which doesn't accept that command. |
InvalidDataInCommandError | Invalid data in command error. |
InvalidField | Field within the request is invalid. |
InvalidHomeNetworkIdentity | Invalid home network identity. |
InvalidHTTPMethod | Invalid HTTP method. |
InvalidOperatorPin | Invalid operator pin. |
InvalidPinPadIpAddress | Invalid Pin Pad IP address. |
InvalidPinPadPort | Invalid Pin Pad port. |
InvalidPinData | Invalid PIN data in the internal buffer. |
InvalidSignature | Invalid signature. |
InvalidState | The command cannot be processed at this point in the transaction. |
KeysNotLoaded | The PIN pad encryption keys are not loaded (when the remote key injection is not supported). |
MerchantConfigurationError | Merchant's configuration is incorrect. |
MissingField | Request is missing a required field. |
NoDeviceSelected | No supported device has been selected for connection. |
ParameterMissing | Required parameter is missing. |
ParameterValueInvalid | Parameter value is invalid. |
PinPadConnectionTimeout | Pin Pad connection timeout. |
PinPadInternalModuleError | Internal module error. |
PinPadNotConfigured | The PIN pad is not configured. |
PinPadNotConnected | The PIN pad is not connected. |
RegistrationFailed | Registration request has failed. |
RegistrationFailedToRetrieveTerminalId | Registration failed to retrieve a terminal ID. |
RegistrationFailedToRetrieveTransactionKey | Registration failed to retrieve a transaction key. |
SREDKeyRequired | The SRED Key has failed to inject and is missing. |
SaleAmountConfirmationRequired | Sale amount confirmation required. |
ServerError | There has been an error with the server. |
SignatureCaptureObserverRequired | Signature capture observer required. |
TerminalConfigurationError | Terminal configuration error. |
TerminalDisabled | The terminal is disabled. |
TerminalIDInvalid | Terminal ID is invalid. |
TerminalIDMissing | Terminal ID is missing. |
TerminalIDUnknown | Terminal ID is unknown. |
TransactionFinishedObserverRequired | Transaction finished observer required. |
TransactionKeyIncorrect | Transaction key is incorrect. |
TransactionKeyInvalid | Transaction key is invalid. |
TransactionKeyMissing | Transaction key is missing. |
UnexpectedField | There was an unexpected field within the request. |
UnexpectedChipDnaError | The Payment Device SDK encountered an unexpected error. |
Unmapped | Unmapped error occurred. |
UnsupportedCommand | The PIN pad doesn't support this command. |
VoiceReferralObserverRequired | Voice referral observer required. |
[Property]FormatError | There is a format error with [property]. |