Merchants can choose their default country and currency values, which will reflect in their Virtual Terminal, in their Country/Currency Configuration settings page.
The merchant's user will need the 'Access Administrative Options' permission to be able to access the Country/Currency Configuration page. Primary users have this permission set by default and cannot be removed.
In the Merchant Portal, on the left side panel → click on Options → Settings → under Transaction Options click on Country/Currency Configuration or from the homepage My Settings → All Settings → under Transaction Options click on Country/Currency Configuration.
Country/Currency Configuration
The Country/Currency Configuration settings will change the default Billing and Shipping country and/or currency displayed in the Virtual Terminal. By default, the country is set to "United States" and the currency is set to "USD", if the merchant has a processor that has USD enabled, if not, it will default to the first available currency, in alphabetical order. For UK partners, the default will be “United Kingdom” and “GBP” for their merchants.
The currency drop-down is a dynamic field, which will show any currency that is available to the merchant account. The currencies available in the currency drop-down depend on what currencies were selected/enabled during the processor onboarding by the partner.
If the merchant is processing transactions in USD and EUR, and they know that majority of their transactions will be processed in EUR, they may want to set their default currency to EUR so they don't constantly need to change the currency field in their Virtual Terminal when processing a transaction.
- These default settings will apply to the Virtual Terminal. These settings do not apply to API processing.
- The default currency set here will also reflect in the merchants Kount Fraud Manager App, if they have this service enabled.
Once the default Country/Currency options have been saved, you will see the Country/Currency fields pre-filled with the default options that were selected when you process a sale via the Virtual Terminal. In this example, the merchant set their Country as "Canada" and Currency as "CAD", when they process a credit card transaction in their Virtual Terminal, the fields default to their default settings:
Can we modify the list of countries to only display one country? You cannot adjust what Country appears in the drop-down. However, you can remove the Country field in the Virtual Terminal. First, set the desired country as the default in the Country/Currency Configuration settings page. Second, hide the country field by clicking "Configure" on the sales page and then click on the 'X' next to the country field. Once done, make sure you click save changes and that will remove the country field from showing.