- Overview
- Prerequisites
- How does QuickClick work?
- How to create a QuickClick Button
- Customization
- Button History
- Convenience Fee/Surcharging Configuration
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Video Tutorial
The QuickClick hosted payment method allows merchants to quickly and easily integrate their website with the Payment Gateway. Some of the many key advantages are listed below:
- An SSL certificate is not required by the merchant as QuickClick is hosted on our PCI-DSS Level 1 Servers.
- Only basic HTML knowledge is needed.
- The merchant does not need to store credit card numbers.
- Branding and color customization is available.
You can also view more information about QuickClick Shopping Cart in our Payment Gateway Integration Portal. The documentation provides a step-by-step guide to the Button Generator, and variables/coding examples for advanced integration are available.
The merchants user will need the 'Access Administrative Options' permission to be able to see Options → QuickClick. Primary users have this permission set by default and cannot be removed.
Navigating to the QuickClick Settings Page
In the Merchant Portal, on the left side panel click on 'Options' → 'QuickClick'.
How does QuickClick work?
- A customer finds a product they wish to purchase, or give a donation, on the merchants website. The customer clicks on a "Buy now", "Add to Cart", or "Donate" button for the product or service. After clicking the button, the customer is transferred to our SSL secure website.
- Once transferred to our website, a shopping cart can optionally be displayed if using the ‘Add to Cart’ style button. This optional shopping cart feature allows the merchants customer to purchase several of their products or services at once. If the merchant choose not to use the shopping cart page, the customer is sent directly to the checkout page. If the merchant uses a Donation button, the customer will be sent directly to a checkout page.
- The customer is now brought through the checkout process where they are asked for their name and credit card payment information.
- After the customer completes the order, an order receipt is displayed where they can directly print from their browser as well as an email copied if they provided an email address. Merchants can set the ‘finish url’ so when a transaction has been completed, they can redirect them back to one of their pages, such as a “thank you” page.
How to create a QuickClick Button
Once you have logged into the Merchant Portal, on the left side panel click on 'Options' → QuickClick → click on the Button Generator link. Select one of the 4 button types available:
- Shopping Cart - after clicking on "Add to Cart", the customer will be redirected to a shopping cart page. There, the customer can choose to continue browsing your site for other products and services, or they can purchase the items in their cart. If you anticipate that your customers will buy several different products or services at one time, a shopping cart would be most appropriate.
- Single Item, Fixed price - after clicking on "Buy Now", the customer can be sent directly to a checkout page, where they will be asked for their Name, Address, and Credit Card information. If your customers typically purchase only one product or service at a time, this may be the best approach.
- Donations - after specifying an amount and clicking on "Donate", the customer will be sent directly to a checkout page, where they will be asked for their Name, Address, and Credit Card information. This button can also be used for Bill Pay. Once the button has been generated, you can change the button text from 'Donate' to 'Pay Now' or your desired text by altering the name in the code in step 3.
- Recurring Payments - customers will be able to sign up for any of the current recurring plans you have set up for your merchant account. On checkout, customers will be charged and then added to a recurring subscription.
- Configure your button's details - depending on which button you are creating, for more information on what each field is used for and what needs to be entered in each field, please see Button Generator Fields.
- Once done, save by clicking on Create Button. Once the button is created, the system will generate both HTML source code, and a ‘short’ URL for linking your button. Using this HTML code or URL will display a button or link on your website for customers to purchase products or services.
- If you choose the HTML source, you simply have to paste that into the HTML source of your website. The button will appear, and customers can now start shopping.
- You have the option of using the Link Alternative which can be pasted on your website as a link.
- Please note - you should use either one or the other.
You can customize the look and functionality of the QuickClick system by using the configuration options in your QuickClick Settings page. These configuration options are fully documented in our Integration Portal. For more information on each configuration options, please see Customization.
Button History
In the Button History page, you can review previously created QuickClick buttons. The History will show the time the button was created, a description of what the button did, an option to pull up the button code/link, and an option to delete the link.
Clicking on the code icon shows this:
This will be the same code and link that appeared when originally creating the button. Users can click into either text area and all text will be selected to make it easy to copy.
Additionally, merchants have the ability to disable links that they do not want to function anymore. They can do this by clicking on the trash can icon and they’ll see this:
This will make it so the link alternative never works again. The HTML code will not be disabled. If you are using the HTML code on your website, the best course of action is to remove the code from your site.
All users who have admin permissions will see this page and they will see buttons created by all users on the merchant account. The HTML/links shown on the history page are still linked to the user whose key was tied to the button when it was created.
Convenience Fee/Surcharging Configuration
Merchants need to adhere to the rules and regulations from card brands or laws from state and local governments on how much can be surcharged. Please have your merchants contact their merchant account representative and consult legal statutes to ensure compliance.
If you do not have a fee set up then please add one first before enabling the feature for QuickClick. A step-by-step is available in the Customer Fee Configuration article.
Once those are saved, the Default Surcharge Type for QuickClick can be set. You can also select how you want it to appear on the checkout page.
Why can't my merchant see the Convenience Fee/Surcharging Configuration link in their QuickClick Options page? If you have the "Prevent Merchant from Configuring Convenience Fees/Surcharges" Advanced Merchant Feature flag enabled on your merchant account, the merchant will not see the Convenience Fee/Surcharging Configuration option when logged into their Merchant Portal.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Add Merchant Defined Fields to QuickClick? In the Merchant Portal, on the left side panel, → click on 'Options' → 'QuickClick' →' Customer Information' your created fields will be at the bottom of this page and are "hidden" by default. Switch the radio button to "Required", or "Optional", to make the fields appear on the QuickClick page.
Does Cash Discounting work with QuickClick? Cash Discounting is not supported on QuickClick.
What currency does QuickClick work with? QuickClick works with any currency the merchant has access to. It uses the currency that is set on the processor configuration.
Does QuickClick support 3DS2? QuickClick does route transactions through 3DS if the merchant has the Payer Authentication 2.0 service active.
Does Kount work with QuickClick? Yes, there are no visuals, and absolutely nothing for the integrator to do – when new buttons are created and the Kount Service is active, the data collector will automatically communicate details about the consumer, their browser, the device they are using (Mobile or PC), their location, and more, so that Kount can better identify fraud or red flags with the transactions processed through QuickClick.
Can you customize the QuickClick button? You can customize the button outside of what's available but it is outside of the scope of the gateway to assist with these changes.
Can the merchant apply a Surcharge to CCs only for QuickClick transactions but still give the option to pay with ACH and not have a surcharge applied to it? No, if both payment types are checked and Surcharge is turned on for QuickClick, then Surcharge will calculate for both payment types through QuickClick.
Is the merchant able to prepopulate the form with values? The merchant would have to build their own QuickClick link to do this using the integration documentation.
Video Tutorial
This tutorial will show you how to use this gateway’s hosted shopping cart solution. You’ll learn how to use the button generator to create links or buttons so customers can make purchases from your website. You'll also learn how to customize these buttons by including a redirect link following a transaction and a security key to ensure transactions are secure.