Table of Contents
Email templates are edited on the back end of the gateway by NMI Support. Partners do not have visibility to view or make changes to these templates. In order to change a template, please email with the following information in the body of the email:
- The merchants identifying information (Username/Gateway ID).
- Please specify what changes you would like made and advise which templates will require changes to be made.
Editable Templates
Merchant Email Receipt - the merchant email receipt is the version of the receipt the merchant will receive each time a sale, capture, or credit is approved (Note: in order for the merchant to receive these receipts, the notification will need to be configured in the merchant's user settings. The notification is called "Receive Transaction Receipts").
Customer Email Receipt - the customer email receipt is the version of the receipt the customer will receive when the merchant chooses to send a Receipt Email from their Virtual Terminal before they hit the charge button or after, from the Transaction Details page.
Printable Receipt - this is the physical copy of the transaction receipt that may be printed out each time a sale, capture, or credit is approved.
Common Changes
Add "Pre-Surcharge" Amount to Receipts - Merchants who have Convenience Fees/Surcharging added to their Virtual Terminal can request to add a pre-surcharge amount to receipts. In your request, please specify any additional verbiage the merchant would like to be included.
Add Merchant Defined Fields - In order to have merchant defined fields added to a receipt template, simply request to have merchant defined fields added. If the merchant would only like specific merchant defined fields added, please specify the exact fields they would like added.
Change the "From" email address - The "From" email address is the email address that the customer will see email messages are being delivered from. By default, this email address will show as the email address associated with that of the merchant's administrative username.
Change the subject line of emailed receipts - You may adjust what appears on the subject line of an email. To do so, simply email NMI Support with what verbiage you would prefer to appear on the subject line.
Remove certain fields - In order to remove certain fields, please specify which fields you would like removed from the receipt template.
Add custom verbiage - Some merchants like to add a personal touch to their receipt template by writing a custom message on their receipt. In order for support to implement custom verbiage, an email will need to be sent with the exact verbiage of the message. Additionally, you may specify where on the receipt you would like this verbiage added.
Add an Image - The first step in this process is to identify the URL (uniform resource locator) of that image. This is the unique address and file path to that specific image on the Web. To begin, go to the webpage with the image you want to use and follow these steps:
- Find the image you want.
- Right-click that image (Ctrl + click on a Mac).
- A menu will appear. From that menu, select Copy Image Address.
- If you paste what is now on your clipboard, you will find that you have the full path to that image.
This image address will need to be emailed to support in order to incorporate the image on the receipt template.
*Support can not add an image if it is attached to an email. If the image is not hosted on a webpage the image will only be on your computer, and will not be visible by anyone else.