Table of Contents
This article outlines information for onboarding UK/EU Processors, their specific boarding requirements, their specific processor rejection process, and their specific TID expiration process.
General Process for UK/EU Processor Onboarding
Each processor has their own specific protocol. Please see each specific processor section for their boarding requirements. Once you log in to your Partner Portal, select the UK/EU Processor that your merchant will use in the 'Merchant Details' section, under 'Processing Services' > 'Add Credit Card'.
For processors that require activation requests: once you complete the boarding and click on 'Submit', the gateway will automatically send an activation email request to the processor. When the processor confirms the request has been completed you will receive an email notification that the processor has been activated.
For processors that do not require activation requests: once you complete the boarding and click on 'Submit', the processor will be activated automatically.
For processors that require 'Number of TIDs' to be entered: more than one bank TID is required for activation, these processors will have a field called 'Number of TIDs' in the processor information section. The more units/devices that will be connected to the MID, the more bank TIDs are required (see examples below under bullet 'Number of TIDs' for recommended value(s) for processors that require more than one bank TID).
Please note - once you hit 'Submit' during boarding for the processors that require activation requests, the gateway will send an email to the processor. Therefore, we shouldn't "test" or "practice" on these live processors as it will email the processors.
When onboarding a AIBMS APACS processor, you will need to enter the Merchant Number, Number of TIDs, and select the Terminal Type in the processor information section:
- Merchant Number - AIB MIDs are 9 digits long and generally begin with 01
- Number of TIDs - must be 2+ for eCommerce, 5+ for Retail (for any merchant with 1-100 units, enter 5 bank TIDs/ any merchant with 100-500 units, enter 10 bank TIDs/ any merchant with 500+ units, enter 20 Bank TIDs, etc.)
Once you complete the boarding and click on 'Submit', the gateway will automatically send the activation email request to the processor (please note: AIB might take one or two business days to activate the account on their end):
- Note - you have to complete the merchant creation, by clicking on Create Merchant, in order for the processing service to be activated. If the merchant creation is not completed, the processing service will stay in a pending status.
If Approved - If AIB confirms the request has been completed, you will receive an email notification that the processor has been activated.
If Rejected - If AIB rejects the request, you will receive an email notification that the processor has rejected the request along with a note as to why it was rejected. Rejected processors will go from Pending Status to Disabled Status. Once the issue is resolved the account can be re-enabled with the 'Activate' option:
Possible AIB activation rejections and the next steps:
- MID is still not live - merchant will need to contact AIB to finish creating the MID. Once the merchant confirms that the MID is live, you will need to re-enable the processor with the 'Activate' option in your Partner Portal, which will notify AIB.
MID provided is not found in AIB system - the MID that you entered during boarding does not match what AIB has. You will need to confirm the correct MID with the merchant. Once confirmed, disable the processor account with the incorrect MID and re-board a new processor account with the correct MID.
MID is not linked to NMI as the PSP - MIDs that are used on NMI gateway have to be linked to NMI as the Payment Service Provider. You will not be able to board a MID that is linked to another PSP. The merchant will need to inform AIB that they are using NMI as a payment service provider. AIB may issue a new MID.
- If a new MID is provided, disable the processor account with the incorrect MID and re-board a new processor account with the correct MID.
- If AIB were able to reconfigure the same MID to NMI gateway, you can re-enable the processor with the 'Activate' option, which will submit the processor to a pending state.
American Express Direct UK/EU - EMV
When onboarding an American Express Direct processor, you will need to enter the American Express MID in the processor information section:
- Merchant Number - American Express Direct MIDs are 10 digits long and generally begin with 94 or 95
- Terminal ID Start Range & Terminal ID End Range - These fields are not editable. The Terminal IDs will always be 03053329 – 03053360 for this processor.
Once you complete the boarding and click on 'Submit', the processor will be activated.
Note - Not all UK/EU - EMV Processors support Amex as a card scheme. Therefore, the merchant has the option of adding an American Express Direct MID if they want to process Amex cards, granted there is a certification for the device they will be using.
Barclaycard HISO UK/EU - EMV
When onboarding a Barclaycard HISO processor, you will need to enter the Merchant Number, Account Number, and Sort Code in the processor information section:
- Merchant Number - Barclaycard HISO MIDs can be up to 11 digits long
- Account Number - can be '0' if using EUR. Must not be '0' for GBP. Must be a max of 8 digits for GBP.
- Sort Code - can be '0' if using EUR. Must not be '0' for GBP. Must be a max of 6 digits for GBP.
- Terminal Number - once the processor account has been successfully created, the gateway will automatically assign a eight-digit Terminal ID (TID).
Once you complete the boarding and click on 'Submit', the processor will be activated.
Credorax ePower EU - EMV
When onboarding a Credorax ePower processor, you will need to enter the Merchant ID, Sub Merchant ID (only for Payment Facilitators), and Signature Key, all provided by Credorax, in the processor information section:
- Merchant ID - Credorax ePower MIDs are between 3 and 8 characters
- Sub Merchant ID - for Payment Facilitators, between 1 and 15 digits
- Signature Key - max 255 characters - alphanumeric
Once you complete the boarding and click on 'Submit', the processor will be activated.
When onboarding a Elavon EISOP processor, you will need to enter the Merchant ID and select the Device Type in the processor information section:
- Merchant ID - Elavon EISOP are 10 digits long and generally begin with 21
- Terminal ID - provided by Elavon; once the processor is activated, the Terminal ID will be entered automatically
Once you complete the boarding and click on 'Submit', the gateway will automatically send the activation email request to the processor (please note: Elavon might take 2-5 business days to activate the account):
- Note - you have to complete the merchant creation, by clicking on Create Merchant, in order for the processing service to be activated. If the merchant creation is not completed, the processing service will stay in a pending status.
If Approved - If Elavon confirms the request has been completed, you will receive an email notification that the processor has been activated.
If Rejected - If Elavon rejects the request, you will receive an email notification that the processor has rejected the request along with a note as to why it was rejected. Rejected processors will go from Pending Status to Disabled Status. Once the issue is resolved the account can be re-enabled with the 'Activate' option:
Possible Elavon activation rejections and the next steps:
- Trading name does not match their records - Elavon requires the exact trading name associated with the MID to complete the activation request. The merchant will need to confirm the trading name used when they created the MID. Once confirmed, edit the name and re-enable the processor with the 'Activate' option, which will notify Elavon with the correct trading name.
- MID number does not match their records - the MID that you entered during boarding does not match what Elavon has. You will need to confirm the correct MID with the merchant. Once confirmed, disable the processor account with the incorrect MID and re-board a new processor account with the correct MID.
First Data APACS UK/EU - EMV
When onboarding a First Data APACS processor, you will need to enter the Merchant ID and select the Device Type in the processor information section:
- Merchant ID - First Data APACS MIDs are 15 digits long and generally begin with 5203345
- Terminal ID Start Range & Terminal ID End Range - These fields are not editable. The Terminal IDs will always be 04830100 - 04830119 for this processor.
Once you complete the boarding and click on 'Submit', the gateway will automatically send the activation email request to the processor (please note: First Data might take one to two business days to activate the account):
- Note - you have to complete the merchant creation, by clicking on Create Merchant, in order for the processing service to be activated. If the merchant creation is not completed, the processing service will stay in a pending status.
If Approved - If First Data confirms the request has been completed, you will receive an email notification that the processor has been activated.
If Rejected - If First Data rejects the request, you will receive an email notification that the processor has rejected the request along with a note as to why it was rejected. Rejected processors will go from Pending Status to Disabled Status. Once the issue is resolved the account can be re-enabled with the 'Activate' option:
Possible First Data activation rejections and the next steps:
- MID is invalid on their system - the MID that you entered during boarding does not match what Elavon has. You will need to confirm the correct MID with the merchant. Once confirmed, disable the processor account with the incorrect MID and re-board a new processor account with the correct MID.
- Trading name provided does not match their records - the merchant will need to confirm the trading name used when they created the MID. Once confirmed, edit the name and re-enable the processor with the 'Activate' option, which will notify First Data with the correct trading name.
Global Payments APACS UK/EU - EMV
When onboarding a Global Payments APACS processor, you will need to enter the Merchant Number, Number of TIDs, and select a Terminal Type in the processor information section:
- Merchant Number - Global Payments APACS MIDs are 8 digits long
- Number of TIDs - must be 2+ for eCommerce, 5+ for Retail (for any merchant with 1-100 units, enter 5 bank TIDs/ any merchant with 100-500 units, enter 10 bank TIDs/ any merchant with 500+ units, enter 20 Bank TIDs, etc.)
Once you complete the boarding and click on 'Submit', the gateway will automatically send the activation email request to the processor (please note: Global Payments might take one to two business days to activate the account):
- Note - you have to complete the merchant creation, by clicking on Create Merchant, in order for the processing service to be activated. If the merchant creation is not completed, the processing service will stay in a pending status.
If Approved - If Global Payments confirms the request has been completed, you will receive an email notification that the processor has been activated.
If Rejected - If Global Payments rejects the request, you will receive an email notification that the processor has rejected the request along with a note as to why it was rejected. Rejected processors will go from Pending Status to Disabled Status. Once the issue is resolved the account can be re-enabled with the 'Activate' option:
Possible Global Payments activation rejections and the next steps:
MID is set up to accept CNP transactions, a Face to Face MID is required for CP - if the merchant will be taking card present transactions, they will need a Face to Face MID. The merchant will need to contact Global Payments "Business Team" to request for a new MID.
- If a new MID is provided, disable the processor account with the incorrect MID and re-board a new processor account with the correct MID.
- If Global Payments was able to reconfigure the same MID, you can re-enable the processor with the 'Activate' option, which will submit the processor to a pending state.
MID currently under a different PSP - MIDs that are used on NMI gateway have to be linked to NMI as the Payment Service Provider. You will not be able to board a MID that is linked to another PSP. The merchant will need to inform Global Payments that they are using NMI as a payment service provider. Global Payments may issue a new MID.
- If a new MID is provided, disable the processor account with the incorrect MID and re-board a new processor account with the correct MID.
- If Global Payments were able to reconfigure the same MID, you can re-enable the processor with the 'Activate' option, which will submit the processor to a pending state.
Lloyds Cardnet APACS UK/EU - EMV
When onboarding a Lloyds Cardnet APACS processor, you will need to enter the Merchant ID, Company Name, and select a Device Type in the processor information section:
- Merchant ID - Lloyds Cardnet APACS MIDs are 15 digits long and generally begin with 5404365
- Company Name - trading name
- Terminal ID Start Range & Terminal ID End Range - These fields are not editable. The Terminal IDs will always be 04830150 - 04830169 for Lloyds Cardnet.
Once you complete the boarding and click on 'Submit', the gateway will automatically send the activation email request to the processor (please note: Lloyds might take one to two business days to activate the account):
- Note - you have to complete the merchant creation, by clicking on Create Merchant, in order for the processing service to be activated. If the merchant creation is not completed, the processing service will stay in a pending status.
If Approved - If Lloyds confirms the request has been completed, you will receive an email notification that the processor has been activated.
If Rejected - If Lloyds rejects the request, you will receive an email notification that the processor has rejected the request along with a note as to why it was rejected. Rejected processors will go from Pending Status to Disabled Status. Once the issue is resolved the account can be re-enabled with the 'Activate' option:
Possible Lloyds activation rejections and the next steps:
- MID is coming up as invalid on their system - the MID that you entered during boarding does not match what Lloyds has. You will need to confirm the correct MID with the merchant. Once confirmed, disable the processor account with the incorrect MID and re-board a new processor account with the correct MID.
Trading name provided does not match their records - the merchant will need to confirm the trading name used when they created the MID. Once confirmed, edit the name and re-enable the processor with the 'Activate' option, which will notify Lloyds with the correct trading name.
Worldpay APACS UK/EU - EMV
When onboarding a Worldpay APACS processor, you will need to enter the Merchant ID and Company Number in the processor information section:
- Merchant ID - Worldpay APACS MIDs are 8 digits long, also known as the Streamline MID or Outlet
- Company Number - 6 digits long, also known as RBS Company Number or Streamline Co ID
- Terminal ID Start Range & Terminal ID End Range - provided by Worldpay, once the processor is activated, the TIDs will be entered in the field automatically
Once you complete the boarding and click on 'Submit', the gateway will automatically send the activation email request to the processor (please note: Worldpay might take one to two business days to activate the account):
- Note - you have to complete the merchant creation, by clicking on Create Merchant, in order for the processing service to be activated. If the merchant creation is not completed, the processing service will stay in a pending status.
If Approved - If Worldpay confirms the request has been completed, you will receive an email notification that the processor has been activated.
If Rejected - If Worldpay rejects the request, you will receive an email notification that the processor has rejected the request along with a note as to why it was rejected. Rejected processors will go from Pending Status to Disabled Status. Once the issue is resolved the account can be re-enabled with the 'Activate' option:
Possible Worldpay activation rejections and the next steps:
MID is not linked to NMI as the PSP - MIDs that are used on NMI gateway have to be linked to NMI as the Payment Service Provider. You will not be able to board a MID that is linked to another PSP. The merchant will need to inform Worldpay that they are using NMI as a payment service provider. Worldpay may issue a new MID.
- If a new MID is provided, disable the processor account with the incorrect MID and re-board a new processor account with the correct MID.
- If Worldpay was able to reconfigure the same MID, you can re-enable the processor with the 'Activate' option, which will submit the processor to a pending state.
- MID is closed on their systems - Worldpay has the MID closed/disabled on their side. The merchant would need to call Worldpay's helpdesk to amend. Once the merchant confirms that the MID is live, you will need to re-enable the processor with the 'Activate' option in your Partner Portal, which will notify Worldpay.
TID Expiration Process and Notification
Currently, TID expiration notification emails will only be sent to you if you have any AIBMS APACS and/or Global Payments APACS merchants enabled that have not processed a successful transaction. Once the processor has been activated, you will receive email notifications on the 30th, 60th, 83rd, 89th, and 90th day after activation. These email notifications will only be sent for processor accounts that have not processed a successful transaction. The email sent on the 89th day after will be a final notice notification. The email sent on the 90th day after activation will be a notification indicating the processor is CLOSED and not available for use. If you require activating the account, you will need to create a new processor account.